Well, this week was a pretty busy one in terms of work/school stuff - one of the side effects of being split between a high school and a middle school is the double duty when it comes to events like Open House.
So, Tuesday night was the HS Open House, but I only teach classes during the last three class periods of the day. This matters because for the fall open house, parents walk through an abbreviated version of their child's schedule - so for the first four class periods (an hour in open house time) I didn't have parents in the room. This was handy because it was kind of Forced Organizational Time for me. A did two bulletin boards, moved around a bunch of risers and such, did some general cleaning/organizing, made handouts for the parents, etc. during that first hour. Then, I only had to run through my "choir spiel" three times, which was kind of nice in its own way.
Thursday night was the MS Open House, but only for 7th and 8th grade parents. 6th graders had their own Open House before the school year officially began. So, yes, for those of you keeping score at home, that's a grand total of three open houses. But, I only had two classes at the sixth grade one a few weeks ago - 1st and 2nd period, so I got to spend the rest of that OH time organizing my room. And the one this week was a one-class-only OH, so I came, I talked, I went home. Well, I left out the part about how the rain was coming down in sheets at the time, so... I left the HS, got totally drenched in the process, stopped by our apartment and put a hairdryer and some clean & dry clothes in a trash bag, THEN went to the MS, changed, dried up, talked, and left.
Wednesday night was the normal church choir thing, with the addition of Grace Notes to my schedule. This is the smaller adult choir at church - it's not really auditioned or anything, I'm not sure how best to describe the nature of the choir - but they were short on altos, so I volunteered to help out.
I am becoming such a Bleeding Heart.
Speaking of which, I may become the Whiz Quiz sponsor at the middle school? More on that story as it develops.